The RFA limits the application’s narrative section to 20 pages maximum. The other elements referenced – cover letter, table of contents, and appendix – are not invited in the RFA as part of the application and are not required, but can be included if you choose and do not count toward the 20-page narrative limit. We suggest the information provided in any appendices be minimal and directly related to and referenced in the narrative contents.
State funds for center work are allocated through the state budget process on an annual basis, so the annual funding level is not known. Each year, the regional centers are each given an equal amount based on funds allocated and center budgets are negotiated during annual contracting. Over the first three-year cycle, state allocations increased each year, with each center receiving the following:
Year 1: $100,000
Year 2: $170,000
Year 3: $280,000
Funding recommendations will be made by external evaluators, and the LaSTEM Council will be brought a slate of recommendations for action. Council members may choose to recuse themselves if they perceive conflicts of interest, but are not required to do so.
Plans for transfer are presented in the application by the applicant. Any relationship between a previous and new host entity and collaborative work must be determined by these parties. The RFA does not stipulate that a previous director or host entity onboard new center staff.
The RFA allocates 10 points to the current situation and experience of the project team, regardless of whether existing or new.
A list of applications submitted, including title, host entity, and region, will be published on the LaSTEM website following the deadline. Copies of submissions cannot be provided until after the competition is complete.
All questions received to date have been posted. No questions about budgets have been received as yet.
The map of the region boundaries, adopted by the LaSTEM Advisory Council prior to the initial RFA,roughly follows the workforce regional maps laid out by the state. For the purposes of LaSTEM, the boundaries are not meant to be absolute and restrictive, but flexible. The fact that an application includes activities in parishes beyond the specific region for which it is submitted does not negatively affect it. The work plan should, however, detail how the RSC collaborates with others in the state and how overlap in activities and service areas is (or has been) beneficial to the service area and the RSCs. After the selection process is complete, the LaSTEM Advisory Council can reconsider regional boundaries if there is a compelling reason to do so.
The full-time requirement stipulated in the Regional STEM Center (RSC) Request for Applications (RFA) is there to ensure that the efforts of the director are mainly towards the work of the RSC. The goal is to ensure the RSC work is prioritized and sufficiently supported. However, we are aware that there arelimitations on rehiring retired individuals. In these cases, we advise two things: 1) specify in the application the terms under which the proposed Center Director can serve, so it is clear that the reduced time percentage is structural and that the position is effectively full time based on the amount the director is able to work and 2) discuss the current management (team members and supervisors) of the RSC and how it has been effective in the first three years.