The following RFPs are available through the CIMM Seed funding program:
- CIMM Seed Funding Track 1 RFP: Faculty Research Awards (PDF)
- CIMM Seed Funding Track 2 RFP: Industrial Collaborations (PDF)
- CIMM Seed Funding Track 3 RFP: Internship Opportunities (PDF)
See the RFPs for detailed information and deadlines.
CIMM solicits proposals for seed funding each year to support research projects relevant to CIMM’s advanced manufacturing themes. The current Science and Technology Thrusts (STTs) of CIMM address underlying technologies in two areas:
1) Multiscale metal forming and replication – Addresses challenges in high-throughput manufacturing of components with functional features ranging from microns to millimeters and beyond with high fidelity and repeatability;
2) Laser-based 3D metal printing – Focuses on adaptive manufacturing of application-specific structures with a high degree of geometric and microstructural complexity and variability.
The unifying scientific challenge for these STTs is the multiscale nature of the underlying phenomena, which span multiple length scales (nanometers to millimeters and beyond) and time scales (nanoseconds to hours).
CIMM is an NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 project.