Act 1 of the 2024 Third Extraordinary Session of the Legislature (linked here) repeals the Kevin P. Reilly Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund and all subfunds, including the Board of Regents Support Fund (see Sections 6 and 7). As a Constitutional amendment, Act 1 requires a majority vote of the people to be enacted; the vote will take place on March 29th. Upon passage of the amendment all Support Fund programs will be terminated and funds swept for other purposes as defined by the state, meaning no new awards will be made in any program for the FY 2024-25 funding cycle. If the amendment does not pass, consultant reports and recommendations will be released during the first week of April, as normal. We will notify all BoRSF-eligible OSPs when the result of the election is known and place a public announcement on our website (
Repeal of the Board of Regents Support Fund
• BoRSF, Featured, front_page, General