In August 2011 the Board of Regents approved its five-year master plan, organized around three major goals. Master Plan Goal 2: Foster Innovation through Research in Science and Technology in Louisiana is focused on enabling colleges and universities to be leaders and full participants as Louisiana moves into a 21st-century, science- and technology-driven economy. The goal draws on strategic targets established in the statewide science and technology plan, Fostering Innovation through Research in Science and Technology in Louisiana (FIRST Louisiana) and industry focuses identified by the Louisiana Office of Economic Development and the Louisiana Innovation Council.
The centerpiece of Goal 2 is the development of campus-based STEM Research Priorities reports, required to be developed and periodically updated by all campuses which are members of the Master Plan Research Advisory Committee (MPRAC). Reporting requirements are outlined in Campus-Based STEM Research Priorities Reporting: Instructions and Format.
In November 2014, the Board of Regents conducted an external review of Task Force reports and priorities, to determine possible statewide areas for investment. The panel’s report is available here.
Also on this page are the campus reports submitted in response to Master Plan requirements, matrices that array identified campus priorities across categories defined for investment by Battelle in its Research Assets Survey conducted for LED and the Louisiana Innovation Council and high-growth target industries identified by FIRST Louisiana. Also available are target area Task Force reports developed in fall 2013 providing action plans for Battelle’s priority areas.
Initial Task Force Reports (submitted September 2013):
- Advanced Manufacturing & Materials
- Clean Technology & Energy
- Coastal & Water Management
- Digital Media & Enterprise Software
- Life Sciences & Bioengineering
- Technology Transfer & Commercialization
Campus-Based STEM Research Priorities Reports (submitted June 2013):
LSU Health Sciences Center – New Orleans
LSU Health Sciences Center – Shreveport
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Southern University and A&M College
Tulane University Health Sciences Center
University of Louisiana at Lafayette